I. In the interest of minimizing delays to publication, authors should submit papers in Journal style as described in this Style Guide. Papers should be submitted in a Word file (saved in .doc or .docx format) as well as a pdf document to the following email address: nyelvirk@gmail.com
The length of the text should not exceed 25 pages (Times New Roman font, single line spacing, font size pt 11). Please refrain from any pre-layout operations if possible.
All papers are reviewed. It is the responsibility of the editor-in-chief to determine the appearance, timing, and order of the received articles.
A. The main structural parts of the paper should follow this order:
1. AUTHOR’S NAME (TNR CAPITAL font size pt 10)
2. Author’s affiliation and email address (TNR normal font size pt 10)
3. ARTICLE TITLE (TNR CAPITAL font size pt 12)
4. Article subtitle (TNR normal font size pt 12)
5. Abstract in Hungarian (max. 2000 characters, font size pt 10)
6. Keywords in Hungarian (5, font size pt 10)
7. Please use font type Times New Roman and font size pt 11 throughout the manuscript. For section and subsection heading please refer to section V.A below.
8. References
9. Attachments - if any
10. ARTICLE TITLE IN ROMANIAN (font size pt 10)
11. Abstract in Romanian (max. 2000 characters, font size pt 10)
12. Keywords in Romanian (5)
13. ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH (font size pt 10)
14. Abstract in English (max. 2000 characters, font size pt 10)
15. Keywords in English (5)
B. Notes should be footnotes (NOT endnotes). Please edit footnotes in font size pt 9.
C. Abstracts in Hungarian, as well as in Romanian and English language will be included; proofreading of the abstracts in Romanian and English should be done by competent native speakers. The length of the abstracts should not exceed 2000 characters.
D. Please send any attachments saved in a separate document as well!
Short references should be included in the text (Lightfoot 1998: 123), not in the footnotes. The full reference list should follow a strict alphabetic order after the main body of the text (font size pt 10). Do not use abbreviations as the names of journals, i.e. Magyar Nyelvőr or International Journal of the Sociology of Language, NOT Nyr or IJSL. Dictionaries, repositories, manuals are referred to by the generally accepted abbreviation, e.g. ÉrtSz, SzT.
Journal Article:
Embick, David 2004. On the Structure of Resultative Participles in English. Linguistic Inquiry 35/3: 355–392.
Szili Katalin 2001. A perfektivitás mibenlétéről a magyar meg igekötő funkciói kapcsán. Magyar Nyelv 97: 262–282.
Comrie, Bernard 1976. Aspect: An Introduction to the Study of Verbal Aspect and Related Problems. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Kiefer Ferenc 2006. Aspektus és akcióminőség – különös tekintettel a magyar nyelvre. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest.
Study / chapter in volume:
Kratzer, Angelika 1995. Stage level and individual level predicates. = Gregory N. Carlson–Francis Jeffry Pelletier (szerk.): The Generic Book. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 125–175.
Wacha Balázs 1992. A mondat szórendje. = Benkő Loránd (főszerk.): A magyar nyelv történeti nyelvtana II/2. A kései ómagyar kor. Mondattan, szöveggrammatika. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest. 155–209.
Internet link (with the date of download):
Bartos Huba 2008. The syntax of Hungarian -vA adverbial participles: A single affix with variable merge-in locations.
http://www.nytud.hu/oszt/elmnyelv/adv/AdvCh4.pdf (2009. 01. 01.)
Doctoral dissertation:
Bene Annamária 2005. Az igék bennható–mediális–tranzitív felosztásának alkalmazhatósága magyar szintaktikai és morfológiai sajátosságok magyarázatában. Doktori disszertáció. ELTE BTK, Budapest.
The length of book reviews and presentations should not exceed 4 pages (Times New Roman font, single line spacing, font size pt 10). The following information will be given: name of the author or of the editor/coordinator, title of the book (and, if necessary, subtitle, separated from the title by a full stop), volume (if any), publishing house, publishing place, year of publication, number of pages.
KABÁN ANNAMÁRIA – MÓZES HUBA, Reflexió és önreflexió Dsida Jenő költészetében. Esszék, szövegtani megközelítések. Bíbor Kiadó. Miskolc, 2014. 123.
Lőrincze-emlékkönyv születésének 100. évfordulójára. BALOGH FERENCNÉ (szerk.), Eötvös Károly Megyei Könyvtár. Veszprém, 2015. 180+26.
A. Authors should submit their paper in a Word document, using Times New Roman font size 11, automatic color adjustment (do not use colored fonts). Page settings: paper format A4, leaving 2.5 cm margins on all four sides of the pages, single line spacing throughout, justified. Use paragraph formatting 1 cm for first line indent (no tabs). Use spacing pt 1 to highlight expressions. Do not apply underlining! The main function of italics is text highlighting (quotes etc.). Section and subsection headings will be highlighted in bold, without any other formatting. In the case of numbering, use Arabic numbers with decimal subdivision, e.g. 1.1., 1.2., 1.2.3. etc. Do not use automatic numbering and automatic listing. In diagrams use appropriately sized fonts to be legible should there be need for downscaling. If using a special font, please include the .TTF file for that font.
B. Quotation marks and other punctuation marks:
Meanings will be enclosed in single quotation marks ’…’, e.g. reprint ’hasonmás kiadás’. For primary quotation mark please use shape 99 in lower position to start and shape 99 in upper position to end. To mark secondary quotation (indicating a quotation within a quotation) please use »French quotes«. Please use the long hyphen accordingly: in a ‘from to’ relationship (page numbers, year numbers); as dash; in the case of multi-author reference between the names of the authors. If authors are given only their last names (in the main text), there should be no spaces before and after the hyphen. If the authors' first names are included, there should be a space before and after the hyphen. Footnote reference should be inserted in the body text after punctuation, not between the word and the punctuation (eg ... definiálja,1 mert ↔ definálja1, mert, illetve ...hozott.1 ↔ hozott1.)
C. Tables, figures, pictures, diagrams
Please number the tables and figures continuously (1. ábra; 1. táblázat) and give them a separate caption if possible. In this case, the title of the figure or table begins with a capital letter after the period. The caption should be below the figure or table, with a font size pt 10 (this should be the also the font size of the text within the table). Please avoid color diagrams if possible or note that the differences between the originally colored images and diagrams appear differently in grayscale printing. Please edit the diagrams in such a way that the captions be legible even when reduced to a page mirror. In case of charts and tables generated from Excel spreadsheets, please also attach the Excel file; save other images, pictures in .jpg or .tif format and attach them in a separate file. Please do not use text boxes, as they are difficult to rearrange for layout or to fit the size of the printed side mirror.
Evaluation criteria
Nyelv és Irodalomtudományi Közlemények is a double-blind peer reviewed scientific journal. All articles submitted for publication are referred to reviewers appointed by the editorial board.
Submitted manuscripts should be edited according to the Instructions for Contributors on the journal website. Articles will be read by the editorial board and will be referred to the editorial review board. During this process reviewers will fill out the standard peer review form of the journal. The evaluation decision (accepted / accepted with revisions / rejected) will be communicated to the author(s) in maximum one month.
Reviewers will evaluate the submitted papers according to the following criteria:
Presentation: Is the article well-structured and the style clear and appropriate to the research?
Abstract: Has an abstract been provided? Does it adequately summarize the key findings of the article?
Length: Reviewers are asked to consider whether the content of the article is of sufficient interest to justify its length. Should the article be shortened or presented in another form?
Methodology: Are methodology and analysis accurate and properly conducted?
References: Does the paper contain appropriate referencing to provide adequate context for the present work? Are in-text and bibliographical references accurate?
Originality: Is the work relevant and original? Does it bring significant contributions to what is already known in the literature?
Impact: Does the article help further research in its domain? What is the significance and potential impact of the article on future research?